Tekanan dan faktor umur merupakan penyebab utama kedutan di muka dan akibatnya otot-otot bahagian muka kurang bermaya dan lesu. Sekiranya dibiarkan begitu sahaja, kadar kedutan menjadi cepat sebelum waktunya. Jadi urutan lembut ke atas bahagian muka melalui teknik senaman dan urutan muka yang betul dapat meningkatkan perjalanan darah bernutrien dan oksigen ke bahagian dalam muka anda seterusnya mengembalikan seri di wajah. Perlu diingatkan penggunaan sabun untuk urut muka adalah kurang sesuai kerana ia akan menyebabkan kulit menjadi kering dan sensitif.
What are the advantages of a facial massage?
can not only regulate blood circulation, and increase the absorption
of nutrients; it can also relax the skin. Some people have the
misconception that massaging can cause gradual wrinkles. Massage has
to be done in the correct way. There should not be excessive kneading
as the skin and facial muscles controlling our expressions are
extremely delicate. Not only that, there are many pressure points in
and around the face area. This is why massages should be gentle yet
firm and pressure should be administered along the muscles and
channels. Pressure points should be pressed correctly. You should only
seek professional assistance when it comes to massaging.
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